Is This A Day Of Worry?



What weighs on your mind has a profound effect on what materializes in the world around you. You know this and yet it is so hard to switch from the worries, fears and doubts to confident, positive and happy. At times like these students will hear me say “attach it to the Light” or “give it over to the Divine” or “give it over to God”. When difficult situations are in hand the average human being has a tough time shaking it off and switching gears to the positive, but as spiritual aspirants we know we must use every tool in our arsenal to make that shift. Giving it over to God truly helps make the shift begin to happen. Why, you say?


When we do not understand the why of events in our life and cannot see the causal principle at hand, we must have faith that there is a reason for the events. If they are there for our highest good or the highest good of others involved, it will eventually be revealed; if it is a karmic event, the way will be shown to step into the fear and transmute it; and if it is not either of these God will remove it.


Now some of you who have not taken much class work with me, will say, what is she talking about? It cannot be that simple? But it is! It is the winning formula. You cannot lose with this approach to life’s problem. It is Divine Law. The key to its utilization is patience, discernment, discrimination and faith. Patience because Divine timing is part of the lesson, the world does not revolve around you; discernment, because you must look carefully at the why’s of the events to see all the possibilities of cause and effect; discrimination, because when things shift you must make the best possible decision utilizing your reasoning abilities; and faith, because you must trust when things are being asked for the highest and best that only the highest and best come through. And, remember the highest and best does not mean you will always get what you desire, it means that what is for your highest good will manifest, because God only delivers goodness and mercy. Only our negative karma, bad choices, faulty thoughts and toxic emotions deliver the rest.


So, establish your own statement for release of these feelings and repeat it every time the toxic emotion or thought surfaces, before you know it, it will begin to diminish. In the beginning it is hard to trust the process, but it never fails. Maintain a journal of your efforts so that as Divine timing unveils the result you can see that the process really does work.


I invite you to make this day the beginning of your transformation into the powerful creator that you are!



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Rose Siple, CHT, NLP Coach & Practioner and Spiritual Counselor and Teacher.

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