Power of Thought

It is only when we bring together our creative powers that we are able to manifest our desires. But do we understand what our desires are? A desire is anything that you fervently believe or want to be true, be it good or bad for you.


Some of our most powerful thoughts are about people we misunderstand, we harbor resentments and fester about how they do not match what we expect or believe they should be. These thoughts not only do great harm to them, but they boomerang back into our lives. When we encounter thoughts such as these we must give them to the Light immediately, just attach it and let it go. In other words interrupt the thought, do not permit it to complete itself.


Likewise, those thoughts that you form with all your heart and soul, for the good of others or yourself, have the strongest possibility of forming into your reality in the future. The key is to maintain concentration on the positive in your life. If you are the type of person who throws the towel in as soon as one of your negative thoughts is manifesting (yes you create everything), then you will interrupt the flow of the good being aligned by the Universe.


Unfortunately our lack of understanding of the mechanics of the “unseen forces” usually causes us to walk away at precisely the time when we should apply ourselves wholeheartedly to positive. These are moments where we are being tested by the Divine to see how strong our alignment is to the “Primal Will to Good”.


So it is imperative that you get off the see-saw and walk the path, self-correcting your negative attitude. Do all in your power to push your negative thoughts out of your view and know that you have created everything up to this moment and will continue to create your future…this is how it works!!!!


Have a beautiful day filled with positive Light filled thoughts!



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Rose Siple, CHT, NLP Coach & Practioner and Spiritual Counselor and Teacher.

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