
One of the most difficult things to do while on the path is to gain control of the mind of the lower consciousness that rationalizes away our life. Now, not everyone is dealing with an overpowering rational mind, some have a preference for leaning on their emotions when life’s challenges hit, but for those that lean on and emphasize life with the rational mind, it can feel like it is damn near impossible to figure out why life is not going the way they want it.



First let me explain. Our lower consciousness makes up our personality or our ego, the three aspects of the lower consciousness that receive and interpret life’s events are so far below our Divine Spark and have had such a long time to develop while the veils are in place, that they think they are running the show. First we have our desires, which fuel our emotions, at the level of our lower consciousness they are responding to the external stimuli of our 5 senses, utilizing our animal instincts to tell us if a situation is one we should run from or stand our ground and fight. Then there is the rational mind, not to be confused with the higher reasoning of our higher consciousness, but that aspect of our self that justifies our behaviors reacts to the instincts of the senses at a surface level and drives us forward into a distorted view of reality when the veils have not been lifted. Finally, when these two aspects of the lower consciousness come together and create an image, as all thought and emotion does, that image and the clarity and intensity behind it penetrates the subconsciousness creating a pattern, over time this pattern with reinforcement becomes anathema to a software program in the mind that automatically detects an event as a command to launch and execute its function and, BINGO, we are in the same old drama we always create, not comprehending how we are attracting the same type of partner into our life, the same financial circumstance, the same crisis, chaos or uncomfortable situation. These are the subconscious tapes we are so unaware of because they activate with the slightest suggestion of an event playing out in front of you.



Now when we are working with the power of the rational mind, we have a preference for the logical, analytical thought process and allow it to run our life because our emotions are not a safe place for us to go to (for whatever reason that your life experience has created), we usually find that we have convinced ourselves that what we are seeing and hearing is truth, valid, 100% the way it is. The facts that are on the table are what we must deal with, and those facts are usually there because someone or some event has caused it. Our logic has us so locked into believing that the facts we see are real, that we cannot believe that facts can change.


We don’t see the fault in our logic or that, as I am always telling me students, “facts change”, and they can change in an instant if you understand Divine Law and can apply it, but you must be willing to look below the surface of the situation and understand the underlying causality of events. For the “rational minded” person this is a herculean task. Everything seems so logical and clear to them, but life still is not delivering what they truly want and it can’t possibly be them. They communicate beautifully and still life is resisting. They see not, their own resistance in their life and that this is the self-deception that they ahve created in their own life .


The Emanation of Hod (the splendor of God's Light) is an aspect of Divine Consciousness that permits you to begin to understand the Truth, not your truth, but the Truth, and it is seen through the knowledge and use of the Word. Our truth is always laced with our faulty thoughts and toxic emotions. Elements of it may be true, but critical pieces are missing, like the “Devil” in the Tarot, who sits on a half cube of knowledge, critical input is missing, so we cannot possibly see the whole Truth. This is why we must look for the ways we self-deceive before we can comprehend, fully, the actions of others and why being judgmental is such a distraction from the real work.



I encourage you to examine your own motives closely and to look below the surface of events to see where the subconscious pattern is being triggered; it will liberate you and enable the “Facts to Change”.


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Rose Siple, CHT, NLP Coach & Practioner and Spiritual Counselor and Teacher.

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