Daath~Crossing the Abyss

 The Abyss is that which divides the Supernals from the remainder of the Tree. Daath is the means to reaching the Supernals. William Gray summarizes it beautifully when he states, “An actual Abyss is a deep fissure or cleft in the ground which has calculable breadth but incalculable depth. What fails to cross it becomes lost within it, and is engulfed by the Unknown."


Each student who strives to do the Great Work must eventually in some lifetime cross the Abyss and the only way for this to happen is to do so via Daath. Daath brings us face to face with that which is out of balance within us and remains hidden and veiled to us due to our ignorance and limited beliefs. Daath is serious business and not meant for the faint of heart. In many ways to transverse Daath is the pinnacle of success for many an esoteric student a hallmark of their perseverance and determination in the Work.


As a Spiritual Teacher of The Teachings, I can attest to this claim. However, I must admit that my first crossing was in total ignorance and hence almost completely devastated me. Since that time the numerous crossings I have made, has of course provided personal benefit, but each journey has been more for the careful assistance and guidance I can provide each student on the journey. Each time I come upon Daath I feel the tremor within as I realize the enormity of what I am undertaking. At times I think I must be a bit crazy, for no matter how many times I cross more garbage is found to be dismantled. For me it is not an easy journey, but a more understood journey that enables me to hold the space and be there for each student. I get the thrashing just as each student does that crosses.


Often students will say to me, why is there such a build up for Daath and they question why so many teachers put “warning labels” on the approach. Many walk away with a variety of excuses. They truly do not understand the seriousness of what they are undertaking, but they feel it within as their pain body is challenged.  Their retreat is not a failure, but simply an indicator of the readiness of their consciousness to cross the bridge of Daath. Falling away during Daath is the same as not crossing and in some ways it will dredge up more chaos for the person to endure readying them for the journey again, hopefully in their not so distant future and not another life time.


The goal of Daath is to rise above the patterns created in ignorance through our limited beliefs and to identify with and live the Divine Principles as much as we possibly can in each lifetime. So while it is an arduous journey for the seeker, it refines our vessel and makes us worthy of the Knowledge and Wisdom bestowed upon us. The clarity and light it reveals within us is the liberation we seek. It permits us to touch the Divine in whatever way we are able, lifting us up as high as is possible for highest and best. The experience cannot be described until experienced and even then the most you can really do is to give a knowing glance and smile to those who have achieved and the look of the Cheshire cat to those who are contemplating it.


“Is it worth it? you ask... “Can you see my smile”, my reply!


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Rose Siple, CHT, NLP Coach & Practioner and Spiritual Counselor and Teacher.

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