Desire and Proper Expression of Emotion


Emotions can be the pain of our existence for the spiritual being in the human body. We cannot exist in this world without our emotions, they are key to the manifestation of our of our desires, yet when improperly developed or improperly utilized due to our lack of understanding of our zodiacal imprint, they create the subconscious patterns that cause us to misperceive the world around us, triggering the pain body and all the disruptions and distraction from our true purpose in life. They also set the stage for our rational mind to justify our fears and the actions we take to protect ourselves or pursue our perceived needs.


 Man and his desires, create the group mind of many couples, families, organizations, clubs and political parties, religions and countries, that go ungoverned and trigger resentment, anger, chaos, when conflicted with the desires of another group. It is the energy that will send a normal logical being off the deep end in rage or fear, or cause him or her to run in the face of illogical fears, that become the demons of our mind, holding us hostage and triggering the pain body to find solace in eating, excessive sex, spending, alcohol, drugs, or any of a wide variety of ways that we avoid dealing with these fears created by illusion of improperly perceived and expressed emotions.


 Desires, when properly purified, filtered through the lens of reasoning and validated through intuition, make us the glorious creators we are meant to be. They enable us to use our imagination to create vivid imagery of what our life is meant to be and that our subconscious deduces to be the life we want. Yet when these desires are filtered through the lens of animal instincts, our base desires, that which triggers our five senses, our fight or flight mechanism takes over, telling us there are dangers where there may not be, or comfort where there is really danger. Our animal instincts are the first to develop within us, they are essential for every animal living on this planet, they are our survival instincts, but when they are imprinted with the irrational fears from the beliefs from our past, or we are faced as small children to live in the presence of the chaos of alcohol abuse, physical abuse, illness or other traumas that so many families endure, they begin the root foundation of the unhealthy personality and disease that manifests many years down the road in the physical body.


 We must look for the root seeds of these emotional desires that create the illusion and delusion of our life, face them and transmute them, if we are to claim our divine inheritance as spiritual beings. Do not allow the faulty thoughts and toxic emotions of the personality to trigger your pain body, causing you to sink further into the abyss of darkness. Shine the Light on these fears and you will soon see that they are illusions and you will move from darkness to light, life will become glorious and beautiful, no longer will your thoughts become the ugly demons of the fears of your illusion, but they will become the magical beauty of the life you desire. Utilize the tools you are learning in class, be consistent with your spiritual practice, and invoke the Light of Christ Consciousness and trust it to guide you through the maze of illusion that has been created in your life.


 I challenge you to step into your fear.


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Rose Siple, CHT, NLP Coach & Practioner and Spiritual Counselor and Teacher.

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