Does God Hear Us?

And, if he does hear us, will God answer us? We talk to God, but does he listen and how does he answer us?


God always hears our heartfelt conversations and always responds. That does not mean the response will be an ordinary response…for God is not ordinary. Look for your answers in the stillness of your surroundings or the not so obvious happenings around you. Look beyond the surface appearances in your life; look for answers in the unpleasant things around you as well. Very often God’s answers come in the form of what I call the “Hand of God”, the things in life that appear to be a nuisance or that get in our face and appear to be blocking us from our goals and dreams, are usually God’s answer to the things we must change in order to have our prayers and requests answered.


If we are looking for financial relief, why did new bills come in or the car broke down? If we are looking for love, why did the old flame that broke my heart come back into my life? If I am unfulfilled in my work, why did I get laid off? We must always start with ourselves, asking what are we doing that is out of alignment with Divine Law and we will usually find the answer. Start with yourself. Remember it is never about the other person or things outside you. It always starts with you. Fix you and the events will self-correct. For God always works from within you. It is the easiest place to find God.


And, how do we communicate with God? I am not talking about the mechanical prayer that we have committed to memory, but actual loving conversation with God filled with gratitude and overflowing with love. The type of conversation you would have with someone you adore on this physical level. Have you conversed with God in this way?


I ask, because it is through the depth of our feelings that we connect with God, the Divine, Spirit, that aspect of Consciousness that has created us all. For you see it is when we feel great love in our heart for someone in our life that we are closest to God and it only makes sense that God will hear us when we use the Love he has blessed us with to communicate with the Divine Presence of God in our life. God created Love so he could experience Love, so shower God with this most precious gift every day and watch the Rose unfold within your life. Count your blessings as you do, for they will grow and grow with the love you give to the Divine.


Have a beautiful day!


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Rose Siple, CHT, NLP Coach & Practioner and Spiritual Counselor and Teacher.

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