Thanksgiving Prayer


Oh heavenly Father grant thy prayer request on this day that all students of the School of Inner Wisdom that are diligently pursuing the Great Work be blessed with Your grace and wisdom, so that love, peace and light permeates their lives.


 Grant them Your protection oh Lord and for their families as well, that good health and prosperity rain down upon their lives, and that joy and happiness be theirs forever and ever.


It is through this humble request that I ask Your assistance throughout each day of our lives in this physical plane, to be aligned with Your Will and so that we may draw sustenance from Your nectar, so that “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven”.


And extend your blessings to all the Divine Beings of Light who serve us daily, holding us and supporting us during our trials and probation, to them we are eternally grateful.


In return, my Lord we will serve you well and fulfill our soul’s destiny as it is written in your Great Book .


So be it, it is done, Amen


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Rose Siple, CHT, NLP Coach & Practioner and Spiritual Counselor and Teacher.

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