The Action of Faith Leads to Trust, Leads to Knowing


The action of faith leads to trust, trust leads to knowing, knowing leads to mastery and a solid relationship with God..a better life.

How often I hear people say or read statements about God being unknowable. True God, the creator, the Divine, the One, the Source of all, is beyond our comprehension as a being, especially when it is grounded in our manmade understanding of life. So how do we develop a faithful, trusting and knowing relationship with this unknown source of all that is?

Having faith in a higher force is easy during the normal flow of life, yet how easily it slips when times are difficult. Faith reflects our beliefs, but belief is not the same as knowing, so faith is easily usurped when our fears kick in and without realizing what we have done our trusty personality is sending all the wrong messages to the subconscious, activating patterns that bring chaos and pain instantly.


Breaking this cycle requires that we begin a relationship with the Divine that starts with trust. Trust requires that we have tested our beliefs in our most difficult times and it also requires that we understand the laws in place that guide creation, without that understanding we cannot perceive events through the lens of Truth. If we believe that events in our lives are caused by others, or that God is somehow responsible for these events, then we will never get to the other side of faith, which is trust. Developing true trust requires that we know God is infinitely merciful and that the Creator is the source of all good.


The world we live in is of our own creation and is a result of the lack of understanding of the Divine Law, not because some unmerciful God is reigning retribution down upon us. God built the universe with a plan for goodness and he has set in motion immutable laws to govern this plan. If we can consistently operate with knowledge of these universal laws, then we have the ability to see the consistent results of the law of cause and effect resulting in life flowing more smoothly and understanding it when it does not.

Without an understanding of these laws, you cannot transmute your life experiences into wisdom, and without wisdom you cannot reach mastery or the enlightenment of knowing God which brings a divine flow of happiness, health and abundance of every kind into your life. How we perceive life’s happenings is the key that can lead you from “faith, to trust, to knowing”.


In every situation in our life we must start with the first assumption that the event in our life is here because we attracted it in through the power of our subconscious mind, and that the event is either there because of a pattern that triggered the attraction of the event or because we are being gifted with an experience for our souls growth. Patterns that are unknown are uncomfortable and cause confusion that can lead to pain and chaos, unless we stop and try and determine where the confusion is emanating from.   Until we look within for greater understanding, the root cause will direct the movie of our life and we will allow our faulty perception to lead us to believe we have no control over our life, resulting in our faith diminishing.

We must remember that we are the director of events in our life and how they unfold. The subconscious mind has the perfect power of deductive observation. It is neutral in how it operates, as God has created this tool for man as a key to his reuniting with the Creator. The subconscious waits, watches, deduces and sends a command for a response to occur that matches what we have loaded into consciousness through our perception of events. Hence if we see events as outside of our self and out of our control, then the subconscious will deduce that is what we want. It has no vested interest in our failure or success, it works based upon the laws God has set in motion for His cosmic plan.

The subconscious is completely at the disposal of self consciousness, it waits for a cue from the self consciousness as it perceives life’s events and if it matches up with data in its memory banks a pattern is activated....we receive life the way we perceived it. If the message has no pattern to match to, it will go about creating one through our repetitive, consistent, frequent and recent perceptions that we feed it. These patterns are our subconscious imprints from the myriad number of healthy and unhealthy events that have occurred in our life. Once we understand this we can begin trust the laws and apply them through the power of our self-consciousness and its use of reason and our intuitions proper access of Divine imprints, will lead to the use of our creative imagination, the tool that permits us to finally reach mastery and the reuniting of our self with the True Self, God.

Once we understand that the images of our imagination are vital to the shifts in our consciousness ,we can begin to truly be the creators of own world, because we “know”.
This pattern of three...Faith, Trust and Knowing...should be familiar to you beynow. It is what enables us to relinquish our lower conscious desires to the Will of the creator. This is the key to life flowing in rhythm with the Universe.

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Rose Siple, CHT, NLP Coach & Practioner and Spiritual Counselor and Teacher.

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